What’s Coming For the IFS Community ; On Line
Karen Skehel’s Welcoming Parts Group
One of the most important ingredients of IFS is welcoming parts. And bringing Self energy to the experience. And if you have ever been in an IFS group on zoom you will know the healing power of bringing Collective Self energy into the room.
I recently found myself in a community dance camp where I experienced my parts and myself being highly welcomed by the community and I have experienced the community being highly welcoming of each and every member of the community.
All of my parts have felt very relaxed. It has been easy to be myself and the experience has been really beneficial for my nervous system and for resourcing. So much so that I’m looking to replicate this experience in different ways.
I was inspired and motivated to bring this concept to life through the IFS community and have been doing so since September 2024
This is a drop in group which meets on Zoom Tuesday 3.55 pm UK and Sunday 7.55 pm UK
You can find out much more about the IFS Welcoming Parts Group here IFS Welcoming Parts Group | Facebook
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GheTtRCe4yVL5g5VRadj2m
This would suit IFS trained/IFS informed therapists and coaches and/or also experienced IFS clients who hold much Self energy and are great witnesses and welcomers.
A winter alternative to the conscious camp and festival scene.
In the past I created London’s alternative festival http://www.theinnerspa.co.uk/events.php
In the next couple of weeks I am introducing a micro version of the same under the the “All you need is love” Umbrella theme.
A cornucopia of sessions offered each week to bring warmth to the winter evenings based from the Chateau Barnes https://thechateaubarnes.co.uk/ and my adjacent home. . A conscious alcohol-free scene, a flow of different “All you need is Love” sessions with a yummy vegan dinner included from 4 p.m. through to 11 p.m on Saturday evenings.
These will be small intimate gatherings (up to 12 to start) but extraordinarily effective for their healing power under the “All you need is Love” umbrella.
Over the coming weeks, I’d like to include:
Circling and authentic relating
Sound Baths
Kirtan and chanting
Restorative yoga
Dance of the heart Dance Meditation
Compassion focused body mindfulness and compassion focused self healing touch
And more…
As well as a myriad of other heart based offerings.
I have been leading sessions myself at most of the conscious camps and festivals on the UK circuit and my current work in organisations is at https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenskehel/
Please do contact me if you would like to be part of this as a facilitator
Please do contact me if you would like to be part of this as a helper/crew
If you are a maybe or a yes as a participant, for now, can you register your interest here https://thechateaubarnes.co.uk/events/
Details below on some past events
If you are open to something a little different, this is for you. Enjoy the blend of fun, joy, as well as love energy that we will create to enable us to raising our vibrations, creating more “feel good”, giving us a natural ability to attract whatever we wish into our lives. Come willing to play too.
Dance of the Heart is an uplifting blend of free expression dance with some relaxing moving meditation. As there are no steps to learn, it is ideal for everyone who want to benefit from dance, and believes “they can’t dance”, as well as those who can. It’s a great way to easily, enhance your mingling skills too.
A “Dance of the Heart” enthusiast shares what she most enjoys about it. “I love the freedom to be me, and to move without limitations. It’s so much fun: not only do I find my usual inhibitions are released, but I leave each session uplifted, energised and with my heart opened. I feel happy, relaxed and feel like I am falling in love with everyone!
We have some beautiful feedback from previous Meet Up sessions http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/225735697/ and http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/227087531/and https://www.meetup.com/Flying-Solo-Events/events/231938874/ which you may find helpful to read.
Other fans talk about the following benefits:
• “It is so much fun. I feel so great. I find socialising after a Dance of the Heart session gets taken to a whole new level. It’s amazing!”
• “I feel so much more confident, more deeply connected with others and this impacts all my relationships”
• “I used to judge myself and others. Now I do this less and less. Life is so much more fun”
• “My health has improved so much”
• “My stress levels have decreased, I feel so alive. I really feel I have “healed my heart””
• “Karen gently encouraged to expand my comfort zone and I find that so much more is possible now that I do”
We start the afternoon with a taster of 36 questions; http://36questionsinlove.com/ and learn how to fall in love with your future “love” or more deeply with your current partner or how to fall in love more deeply with life itself.
Whilst Karen’s work has evolved further with a focus on the healing power of love, the videos below will give you a flavour of her latest creation, Dance of the Heart.
Her work has evolved from many years of teaching and leading Dance Meditation which included her teaching on BBC1’s Inside Out series where she showed 3.6 million viewers how Londoner’s can have fun without alcohol and on the BBC’s equivalent in South Korea as part of a documentary on dance in medicine. (If you scroll down the page, you can see an extract from both of these programmes)
There are hundreds of different exercises included in Dance of the Heart. The video below for the South Koreans includes a version of an Indian Head Massage undertaken in a group. This exercise was included for the TV cameras and will not be part of this coming session.
The video below for the BBC includes a slow motion exercise. This particular exercise will not be part of this coming session.
Do come and give it a go. There are a maximum of 20 places for this session, so book now to ensure one has your name on it.
Join Karen for this special session of Dance of the Heart. Here is how to book your £10 place:
Pay via Paypal
or £15 on the door (if any tickets remain)
Do wear layers.
Dance of the Heart is a series of sessions. Whilst each is different, they all open the heart and bring participants uplifting experiences, fun, joy, feelings of love and more! Not only that, but the more you experience these feelings on the inside, the easier it is to attract whatever you wish into your life (relationships, work, money, ease and flow)
Here’s a bit about me, Karen Skehel:
Over more than 14 years, I have helped thousands of clients with their “well-being” and “feel good” through a combination of individual sessions, workshops and retreats, plus many millions have watched my work on BBC1, ITV and international TV. You may have seen my long term contributions to Natural Health Magazine too (I wrote for them over a four year period.)
As a facilitator of “well-being” and “feel good”, I am unusual in that I have a broad repertoire of offerings and a wide range of skills in transformational coaching and coaching supervision, leading meditations, teaching dance meditation, and in energy work.
Details below on some past events
Blending the power of Dance of the Heart, Dance Meditation with Chanting from a myriad of spiritual Traditions, we will take you beyond enjoyment into real long-lasting life transformation, manifestation, ease and flow.
This blend of work is not only enjoyable. It has been proven to create extraordinary levels of well-being as well as the ability to bring miracles in to being. This is a visioning day retreat focusing on the power of the body, the heart, the soul, sound, movement and meditation.
It’s a retreat day not to be missed!
Karen has worked with hundreds of clients one-to-one and many more have experienced her work in groups or through seeing Karen on National and International TV. She has learned that whilst many are seeking external measures of feel good such as a great career, a successful business, great physical health, great relationships, abundant wealth and the like, what they are really seeking consciously or unconsciously is the emotional experiences that they believe these external measures of success will facilitate for them. More Love, more Joy, more Fulfilment, more Empowerment, more Inner Peace and all manner of feel good emotional experiences. Meditation, Dance, Dance Meditation and Chanting are some of the best proven avenues to bring about these inner experiences. As we connect with the inner experiences our ability to manifest the external manifestations is also significantly increased.
This Retreat Day is for you if you drawn to Dance of the Heart Dance Meditation and Chanting too. The day also could be for you if these practices are something you would normally resist. Dance was not Karen’s “thing” before Dance of the Heart came into her life. A psychic told Karen many years ago that dance was going to be very important in her life and her initial response was the psychic has got this wrong. Well was Karen wrong! Only a year or so ago Chanting wasn’t Karen’s thing either and now it has become so. You may be like Karen in which case we totally encourage you to give it a go.
What you can expect from the day:
• Each exercise is designed to facilitate an opening to create Ease and Flow
• You will be invited to dance with joy, dance to connect with others and to connect with the higher realm, to express creativity through dance, and you’ll have the opportunity to tap into the experience of love, as well as many other life enhancing emotions to support the journey into flow with ease and grace.
• The first part is an uplifting blend of free expression dance and the second part includes some relaxing moving meditation. There are no steps to learn making it ideal for everyone who wants to benefit from dance and believes they can’t dance as well as those who can.
• There will be the opportunity to open up to more of that which you wish for in your life as well as letting go of that which doesn’t serve you.
• There will be a short break, with time for tea, giving us space to transition to sounding and chanting session.
• We will start with a sound exercise releasing the old and making way for the new. We will show you ways to use sound to get into alignment in order to manifest your dreams.
• We will chant together. If you have a favourite rattle or percussion instrument do bring it along. The chants come from different traditions and bring a unified singing field.
• Then we will lie down for a relaxing and healing Gong Bath with Sever.
• Closing meditation and prayers.
Come willing to open up to play and have fun.
Date & Time: Saturday 3rd February, 13:30-18:30
Venue: The Chateau Barnes, Suffolk Road, SW13 9PH
We are a black timber framed building: the first building on the left as you enter Suffolk Road from Madrid Road.
Contribution: £47
£57 on the day
Please note we have 10 places left so we highly recommend you book in advance.
Testimonial from our Retreat Day in December 2017
“What a joy to experience the delicious combo of dance of the heart with Karen Skehel and then to be bathed in sound by Gayatri. My heart was overflowing with love: it is so awesome what occurs when we get out of our own way and open to source, everyone needs to experience this workshop.”
Sara Jane Maynard 19 Dec 2017
Here is what participants are saying about Dance of the Heart Dance Meditation:
“I love the freedom to be me and to move without limitations. It’s so much fun. Not only do I find my usual inhibitions are released but I leave each session uplifted energized and with my heart open. I feel happy relaxed and feel like I’m falling in love with everyone.”
Other fans talk about the following benefits:
“It is so much fun. I feel so great.”
“I feel so much more confident, more deeply connected with others and this impacts all my relationships”
“I used to judge myself and others. Now I do this less and less. Life is so much more fun”
“My health has improved so much”
“My stress levels have decreased, I feel so alive.“
“Karen gently encouraged to expand my comfort zone and I find that so much more is possible now that I do”
We have some beautiful feedback from previous Meet Up sessions http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/225735697/ and http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/227087531/ as well as from a Flying Solos session https://www.meetup.com/Flying-Solo-Events/events/231938874/ which you may find helpful to read.
There are hundreds of different exercises included in Dance of the Heart. The video below for the South Koreans includes a version of an Indian Head Massage undertaken in a group. This exercise was included for the TV cameras and will not be part of this coming session.
The video below for the BBC includes a slow motion exercise. This particular exercise will not be part of this coming session.
Testimonials about Gayatri’s work:
“Gayatri Lindsey made me feel incredibly welcome at her chanting evening with her warmth and openness. The surrounding environment she has created is so peaceful. I have learnt how to play a drum, chant and balance myself all after one session with Gayatri. Any questions I had were answered confidently and I felt constantly blessed by her words, which came from her heart. The singing bowls added a further touch of magic to the whole experience and my whole body vibrated from start to finish. I left feeling blissfully balanced and so very relaxed afterwards, almost comparatively to how one feels after receiving a relaxing full body massage!”
Sonal Shah – Nutritional Therapist & Reiki-Seichem Practitioner – 27 June 2013
“All the time I have known Gayatri she has been passionate about chanting, sound and meditation. That Gayatri has her own weekly chanting group is testament to her deep passion, commitment and drive to be in action. Gayatri has facilitated and supported group chanting at regular OneSpirit events in Brixton for years and has facilitated a chanting circle at the yearly Summer Solstice events in London each year. As well as chanting, Gayatri has played crystal singing bowls in our circle in a heart-full manner. Gayatri holds space very well, is confident in groups and communicates easily and effectively. In the chanting she has a strong voice, which carries group chants well. She exudes a lovely nature, deep passion and integrity and is most amiable in character. All in all it is a pleasure, joy and blessing to light work and co-create with Gayatri…”
Jane Weller – onespirit.co – 4 September 2015
“Thank you for a wonderful night of sound healing and a open hearted chanting circle. I felt a soul connection to the group and feel like a positive shift has taken place in my energetic frequencies today. A very powerful experience of Chakra activation using the beautiful chakra singing bowls. Blessings to all, sending Love, Light and Healing.”
Lisa Paz – Healer -12 October 2015
I am offering life enhancing meditation which blends Body Mindfulness with the practices of love and gratitude at http://thechateaubarnes.co.uk/index.php.
This is an extraordinary powerful meditation (which if practiced regularly) clears both short and long term emotional suffering, such as stress, depression and anxiety as well as creating more “feel good” for those who are feeling OK, or better. It’s great for those who have struggled with meditation as well as for those who have included meditation in their lives. (Time permitting, I will also share one or more of my other favourite meditations too)
Here’s a bit about me, Karen Skehel:
Over more than 14 years, I have helped thousands of clients with their “well-being” and “feel good” through a combination of individual sessions, workshops and retreats, plus many millions have watched my work on BBC1, ITV and international TV. You may have seen my long term contributions to Natural Health Magazine too (I wrote for them over a four year period.)
As a facilitator of “well-being” and “feel good”, I am unusual in that I have a broad repertoire of offerings and a wide range of skills in transformational coaching and coaching supervision, leading meditations, teaching dance meditation, and in energy work.
For a limited period Karen is offering Meditation sessions for only £10 and £97 for a 10 class pass (instead of £17 and £137) Please purchase your session/s below and then book your place in advance by contacting Karen via Karen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)wow-coaching.co.uk or text her on 07766138388.
Special offer meditation session prices for a limited period only can be purchased via paypal at the links below.
Single session £10 Special offer price for a limited period only. This price is for sessions bought more than 48 hours in advance. On the door payments are £12
10 class pass £97 Special offer price for a limited period only
Normal prices for meditation sessions paid via paypal at one of the links below
Meditation Sessions:
Please confirm your attendance via email to Karen(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)wow-coaching.co.uk
If you can’t make Wednesday but would like to join another time or other activities, then do join The Chateau Barnes as a member (its free). Details at http://thechateaubarnes.co.uk/index.php
Conscious Café is a new movement started by ground-breaking former publisher Judy Piatkus, (founder of pioneering personal development publishing company, Piatkus). Such has been the success of it, that groups have been popping up all over the country.
The aim is to bring you together with like-minded people on a spiritual path of any kind. Together we will explore and expand personal growth, increase self-awareness and engage in conscious conversation to create deeper heart-felt connections with one another. You can expect to be exploring others’ view points as well as sharing your own. Not only that but if you are in West London or South West London areas, you won’t need to travel far for these conversations.
The intention is to meet monthly. At each Conscious Café evening event, we will get the subject going with a very short presentation, then the gathered community will converse in small groups and the group will reconvene. The idea of Conscious Café is to create active conversation and participation, not simply to have a one-way communication from an expert speaker as well as to meet and deepen connections with likeminded people.
Other Conscious Café groups around the country have explored topics such as:
And so many other conscious subjects.
We will be meeting at The Chateau Barnes, usually at 7 pm, but sometimes on the weekend at 3 pm and we expect to cover similar subjects as well as other subjects that you might like to discuss.
What will happen at our Conscious Café
We will start the event with introductions and a led meditation. We explore and discuss our topic welcoming all viewpoints. There is then time for socialising.
January is a time when thoughts turn to what we would like to create in the coming year. The Law of Attraction is one of the most popular concepts in the Consciousness world to assist with this, consisting of a series of tools that many turn to. Many are manifesting and many others are learning to manifest. Some have great success doing so, and others less so. Wherever you are on your journey, If you’d like to raise your Manifestation game, join us. In small groups we will discuss questions such as:
What is manifestation?
What has helped you manifest?
In which situations has manifestation being successful for you?
What has stopped you manifesting?
What stops us in general from manifesting?
What manifestation practices are you aware of that you have heard are successful and you have yet to try.
How connected are the notions of creating ease and flow with the ability to manifest? To what extent are they the same, similar or entirely different.
Whether you consider yourself a skilled and effective manifester, someone who is learning and practising or someone who would like to manifest but as yet, hasn’t had the success you would like, come and discuss manifestation and its relatives ease and flow. (I’m reminded of the well-known consciousness paradigm, as you give you will receive, so come willing to give and you will receive)
This article on Manifestation has manifested for me; http://www.spiritualawakeningprocess.com/2015/03/how-to-manifest-your-dreams-and-when.html#at_pco=smlrebh-1.0&at_si=5a43eac797f9f633&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=4 Might be interesting to discuss this too.
At each Conscious Café event, you will have the opportunity to meet like- minded others, and take away new skills and ways of being to enhance your life.
Please arrive from 6.30 pm ready to start at 7 pm. The discussion will complete between 8.30 pm and 9 pm.
The price for Conscious Cafe is £10 in advance ( or £15 on the door).
Book now at this link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UUP3Q4ZCZZVQJ
(Or £15 on the door).
We are at http://thechateaubarnes.co.uk/index.php
We are a black timber framed building (with a vintage caravan in front of it which may be visible or covered up): We are the first building on the left as you enter Suffolk Road (from Madrid Road), Barnes, London, SW13 9PH. We are to the left of number 1 Suffolk Road.
There is free parking available after noon and all day at weekends.
Really hoping you can make it, and do share with local like minded friends as well as those further afield who might enjoy Conscious Café.
If you are open to something a little different, this is for you. Enjoy the blend of fun, joy, celebration as well as love energy that we will create to enable us to raising our vibrations, creating more “feel good”, giving us a natural ability to attract whatever we wish into our lives in 2018. Come willing to play too.
Dance of the Heart is an uplifting blend of free expression dance with some relaxing moving meditation. As there are no steps to learn, it is ideal for everyone who want to benefit from dance, and believes “they can’t dance”, as well as those who can. It’s a great way to easily, enhance your mingling skills too.
Dance first: with a touch of socialising second.
A “Dance of the Heart” enthusiast shares what she most enjoys about it. “I love the freedom to be me, and to move without limitations. It’s so much fun: not only do I find my usual inhibitions are released, but I leave each session uplifted, energised and with my heart opened. I feel happy, relaxed and feel like I am falling in love with everyone!
Here is what Lindsay Hamilton had to say very recently:
‘Karen Skehel provides an extraordinarily safe and comfortable space in which feelings can be experienced whilst we dance ourselves into authentic being and natural, unforced, relating. These dance workshops are gently transformative and suitable for all who wish to develop or maintain their mind-body connection’
Lindsay Hamilton
Attachment-based Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and Supervisor, Barnes, London.
We have some beautiful feedback from previous Meet Up sessions too http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/225735697/ and http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/227087531/and https://www.meetup.com/Flying-Solo-Events/events/231938874/ which you may find helpful to read.
Other fans talk about the following benefits:
• “It is so much fun. I feel so great. I find socialising after a Dance of the Heart session gets taken to a whole new level. It’s amazing!”
• “I feel so much more confident, more deeply connected with others and this impacts all my relationships”
• “I used to judge myself and others. Now I do this less and less. Life is so much more fun”
• “My health has improved so much”
• “My stress levels have decreased, I feel so alive. I really feel I have “healed my heart””
• “Karen gently encouraged to expand my comfort zone and I find that so much more is possible now that I do”
If you are ready to fall in love with life (or even with that special someone) “Dance of the Heart” may be the missing piece in the jigsaw for you.
We start the afternoon with a taster of 36 questions; http://36questionsinlove.com/ and learn how to fall in love with your future “love” or more deeply with your current partner or how to fall in love more deeply with life itself.
Whilst Karen’s work has evolved to focus more on helping those seeking love to open to love, the videos below will give you a flavour of her latest creation, Dance of the Heart.
This has evolved from many years of teaching and leading Dance Meditation which included her teaching on BBC1’s Inside Out series where she showed 3.6 million viewers how Londoner’s can have fun without alcohol and on the BBC’s equivalent in South Korea as part of a documentary on dance in medicine. (If you scroll down the page, you can see an extract from both of these programmes)
There are hundreds of different exercises included in Dance of the Heart. The video below for the South Koreans includes a version of an Indian Head Massage undertaken in a group. This exercise was included for the TV cameras and will not be part of this coming session.
The video below for the BBC includes a slow motion exercise. This particular exercise will not be part of this coming session.
Do come and give it a go. There are a maximum of 20 places for this session, so book now to ensure one has your name on it.
Join Karen for this special session of Dance of the Heart. Do wear layers.
Dance of the Heart is a series of sessions. Whilst each is different, they all open the heart and bring participants uplifting experiences, fun, joy, feelings of love and more! Not only that, but the more you experience these feelings on the inside, the easier it is to attract whatever you wish into your life (relationships, work, money, ease and flow)